Breasts Project

Selected for:
Third Prize in Sculpture/3D, Variations 2024, national juried exhibition of the Marblehead Arts Association
Honorable Mention, ArtsWorcester Members Biennial, Worcester, MA (2021)
Best in Show, Duxbury Art Asssociation's national juried Winter Show (2021)
First Prize, Legacy 4 national art show, North Easton, MA
On the Surface, Attleboro Art Association's national juried exhibition (2020)
Artist of the Year award, Members Prize Show 2019, Cambridge Art Association

The Breast Project began several years ago when a close relative was diagnosed with breast cancer. As a meditation for sending healing energy to her, I made the first sculpture at that time. It was healing for me as well, and after making it, I began to think about the many women I have known who have fought breast cancer - my grandmother, the mother and the sister of one of my closest friends, several colleagues and friends....
I continued making vessels in honor of each person, including many new friends and colleagues who also developed breast cancer along the way through this journey. Most recent additions include an uncle and a cousin, so this work has felt like a “work in progress” through the years.

(PS- My close relative is still alive. She has been stage four for many years - somehow she has beaten the odds so far.)


Porcelain; wheelthrown and altered; 6" h x 32" w x 22" d (area shown)